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Official logo of Bluefin Bay Family of Resorts
Hotel Logo used at Bluefin Bay Family of Resorts
Surfside logo used at Bluefin Bay Family of Resorts
Temperance Landing Logo used at Bluefin Bay Family of Resorts
Two ladies in bathrobes relaxing outdoors at Bluefin Bay
Couple having body massage at Bluefin Bay Family of Resorts
Low-angle shot of Surfside at Bluefin Bay Family of Resorts
Two ladies in bathrobes relaxing outdoors at Bluefin Bay
Couple having body massage at Bluefin Bay Family of Resorts

Waves of Superior Spa

A Luxurious & Relaxing Retreat

At Waves of Superior Spa, nurturing you is our second nature. Our treatments and services are inspired by our natural surroundings, which are spectacular, pristine and holistic. Here, nestled between the Sawtooth Mountains, a forest of pine and birch, and the magnificent Lake Superior shoreline, we have created an oasis of tranquility for relaxing the mind, restoring your well-being, and rejuvenating the spirit.

Waves of Superior offers:

  • A coastal contemporary spa facility with private treatment suites, including a suite for couples to receive massages side-by-side
  • Luxuriously appointed men’s and women’s locker rooms, featuring a sauna and private showers
  • Tranquil indoor and outdoor relaxation areas
  • An upstairs indoor heated lap pool, hot tub, sauna, and fitness center with health club quality equipment and a view you won’t find in any health club

Opening Hours

Daily:         9am - 6pm


Spa Treatments

Reconnect, Relax, And Restore

Arrive Early

We invite you to arrive early and enjoy the facilities including the indoor & outdoor relaxation spaces, indoor pool, fitness facility, and saunas. 

What To Bring

  • A bathing suit to experience our Waves of Superior indoor pool and whirlpool
  • Fitness clothes and closed-toe athletic shoes if you wish to use our fitness area
  • A journal or a good book to reflect, read and relax

What To Leave At Home

  • Jewelry which can become lost or forgotten in the pocket of a robe
  • Other valuables or personal items of value
  • Cell phones: To maintain the relaxation and quiet within the spa, cell phones are prohibited.