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Bluefin's Best: Summer


Bluefin's Best is one of the longest standing traditions at Bluefin Bay Family of Resorts. In fact, the accolade has been around longer than our Bluefin Bay Calendar! It is a celebration and recognition of employees that have gone above and beyond in their department and exemplified what it means to be "Bluefin's Best". There are a few employees selected each month. Those employees are given a bonus and a sweet note from their manager, which is displayed in employee areas throughout the resort. Read about this month's Bluefin's Best below!

Bluefin's Best: May, June, July

Gina (Munjhkin) Ullizibar - It is with great pleasure that we honor Gina for her outstanding dedication and hard work, earning her this prestigious award. Gina's commitment to ensuring everything operates seamlessly is truly inspiring. She approaches every task with a can-do attitude and an exceptional willingness to take on any challenge presented to her. Her relentless dedication and positive demeanor have been invaluable to our team's success. Gina's unwavering effort and remarkable adaptability make her an integral part of our organization. Congratulations, Gina, on this well-deserved recognition! (Written by Jeff Ross, Bluefin Grille Manager)

Reggie Demir - We are thrilled to recognize Reggie for his exceptional hard work and dedication, earning him this well-deserved award. Reggie consistently goes above and beyond to ensure everything runs smoothly, demonstrating a remarkable commitment to excellence in every task he undertakes. His unwavering willingness to tackle any job, no matter how challenging, is truly commendable and sets a high standard for all. Reggie's positive attitude and relentless drive have significantly contributed to our team's success, and we are incredibly fortunate to have him as a part of our organization. Congratulations, Reggie, on this outstanding achievement! (Written by Jeff Ross, Bluefin Grille Manager)

Angel Sauceda - It is an honor to announce Angel has been nominated for Bluefin’s Best for the hard work he puts in to make sure everything is looking its best around the resorts. We also want to say thank you to Angel for helping us recover from the June flood of 2024! (Written by Cory Wilde, Maintenance Director)

Jhonny Sauceda - It is an honor to announce Jhonny has been nominated for Bluefin’s Best for the hard work he puts in to make sure everything is looking its best around the resorts. We also want to say thank you to Jhonny for helping us recover from the June flood of 2024! (Written by Cory Wilde, Maintenance Director)

Fernando Melgarejo-Munoz - It was an easy decision to nominate Fernando for Bluefin's Best!! Hard working, coachable and motivated are words used to describe him by his peers. I have personally seen the steps and effort he has taken to be better and to grow into one of the leaders of the kitchen. Thank you Fernando for all you’ve done and continue to do, it is appreciated. (Written by Jamil Spence, Coho Cafe Assistant Manager)

Gisela Galvez-Diaz - Dependable, Jovial, Knowledge - words used to describe Gisela by her peers, and I must add accountable. Not only does she hold herself to a high standard but also her team members and manager(s) to that same standard. It is with tremendous honor to have her apart of the Coho team and easily one of Bluefin's Best!! Thank Gisela for all you’ve done and continue to do, it is appreciated. (Written by Jamil Spence, Coho Cafe Assistant Manager)

Chandler West - It is an honor to announce Chandler has been nominated for Bluefin’s Best. Chandler has become a strong team member and asset to our team. We also want to say thank you to Chandler for helping us recover from the June flood of 2024! (Written by Cory Wilde, Maintenance Director)

Riley Hipp - It is my honor to submit Riley Hipp as Bluefin's Best for the month of July! Since Riley has joined the Activities team, he has done an amazing job, often being recognized by our guests from the time they spend with him out on trips. Riley has been an asset to Bluefin Bay through his guest interactions, his willingness to jump in to help when needed, and an overall positive outlook. Thank you, Riley, for being you and the work you’ve been able to accomplish. (Written by Sean Henkenius, Activities Coordinator)

Dereck Nieto Perez - This is to honor Dereck at Bluefin Bay Family of Resorts as Bluefin's Best!
He is creative and consistent with his cooking skills and they are aiding tremendously "to put Waves Cafe on the Map". He also shares those skills at the Coho Cafe. 
He is a very talented cook and worker and contributes to the creation of new insights and menu items each day. He cares.  His S'more cookies are a highlight for our guests and both guests and employees love his food.
He has taken command of his new Waves Cafe kitchen and he will only grow moreso. He has demonstrated adaptability and has been flexible with all his coworkers and their requests upon him in all roles. He brings a kind disposition with him and calmness during busy times to all. He never says "no" but rather looks for a way "to do" and resolve. He is quick on his feet - restaurants need that!
It's a pleasure to work with him and his team will only get bigger. Be proud - you earned this Dereck and we are happy you are here. (Written by Michelle Lewis, Surfside Guest Experience Supervisor)

Tiffany Raymond - I am thrilled to announce Tiffany as my nomination for Bluefin's Best. No event here at Bluefin Bay would be complete without her. She quickly became my right arm and my support throughout this event season. She is ready to lend a hand, or an opinion, at any stage in the game. It is clear that she has an eye for this work and feels the same joy and excitement for our wedding couples as I do. Knowing she will be around as part of my team brings me a sense of ease that is irreplaceable. I couldn't ask for a stronger, more reliable, partner in crime through this 2024 wedding season. Thank you and congratulations, Tiff. Let's rock the rest of this season. (Written by Audrey Mays-Trimble, Events Coordinator)